Boringly blogging a boring blogpost, blarb blurb blaha.


I just realized that I haven’t ever written about my daily life here in India, so let’s do the most boring blog post ever.

I start the day whenever Fredrik or Emil tries to kick in my door, about 8 a.m. Have some breakfast, soy milk and muesli or some Thin Crisps with peanut butter and water. Sounds all exotic and nice doesn’t it?

Usually I’ll try to study a bit after breakfast, or do the Hindi assignments if I have Hindi later during the day.

Currently my essay looks like this;


and I’m nowhere near finished… have the background, result, analysis, discussion and conclusion left to do. So what have I done all this time? Good question.

At around noon it’s time for lunch, rice, vegetables, dāl and chapāti. It was great food. For a week.  At the moment I loathe the smell of coriander, but oh well, our cook is awesome and likes to hug mums.

After lunch we usually head to Open Hand Café if it’s a Hindi day (i.e. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday), have some coffee and then a dose of Hindi.

Exams are coming up, 8th of December, yikes. If we don’t have Hindi I like to pretend that I’m studying, usually reading interesting articles or book only to realize that they have fuck all to do with my subject.

As of today we started with a daily ritual, Sunes Jul @ 6 p.m. sharp. After that injection of Swedish awesomeness we go for supper. We have quite the rolling schedule, swapping between Yaffa, I:ba and Hayat (our friend the Arab).

I’ve got to say I dig the Arab the most. He makes me yummy hummus.

In the evening it’s time for some recreation, usually this involves something as thrilling as yawning through an episode of some series and read a book.

And so, alas, we call it a day.

About SacredBananas

this blog contains the adventures of a 23-year-old Swedish student, currently residing in Banaras, the city of light. Why, you ask? Well, because curry is made of sheer awesomeness (and that I would like to complete my C thesis in Religion). This blog is mainly directed towards my loved ones, but even if I may not know (or love) you it does not mean you cannot read my blog. Multiple negations, I know... Deal with it.

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