Calloused fingers


It’s true, my fingers are calloused from writing. Never thought it was possible, I mean the tips are already quite battered from the bass and guitar and whatnot, but from the keyboard? Jeez.

Anyhow, I’m done with the bloody transcriptions! Finally! And what else, we found a nice shack to dig into and have some good food, neat! this calls for celebration – rice crackers and the walking dead comics… that’s hardly out of the ordinary, but it’s the means I have. And for those of you who hasn’t already, check it out. The comic I mean, not the crackers. Or them too, whatever floats your boat. Cheers!

About SacredBananas

this blog contains the adventures of a 23-year-old Swedish student, currently residing in Banaras, the city of light. Why, you ask? Well, because curry is made of sheer awesomeness (and that I would like to complete my C thesis in Religion). This blog is mainly directed towards my loved ones, but even if I may not know (or love) you it does not mean you cannot read my blog. Multiple negations, I know... Deal with it.

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